People Around The World... This list is to help people around the world access this information. In the US, we are fortunate in that when we conduct a search on the worldwide web, we can often simply assume that information returned applies to the US. That is not necessarily true of other countries. Thus, if a person looking for help is in another country, they may have to type in the name of their country to help narrow their search. As such, a person typing: "autism help Canada would not "hit" my website unless the word "Canada" also appeared on my site. As such, in order to disseminate this information to all peoples around the world, I included the names I thought could be typed by people around the world. :o) The same is true for searches that specify a specific state or province, etc. By including these names on my website, I now help ensure more people see this information. Unfortunately, mental and physical illness know no boundaries...and impact all peoples - all nations around the world! :o( |