Understanding The Mechanics Of Speech And Issues Of Speech In Autism... Given that speech is such a huge issue for children with autism, I wanted to provide for parents articles to help them understand issues of speech. For example, it is now scientifically documented that boys and girls actually appear to use different parts of the brain in speech... certainly, this could provide clues as to why boys may be not only more impacted by autism but why so many of these children are considered "non-verbal". Only in understanding the issues can we begin to address them! I also very much encouraged you to read both my second, third and fourth books for additional information on the development of speech as I saw it in my own son. Each book I had written was posted, in full, on this website and was available for downloading by families of those with autism, schizophrenia or Alzheimer's. Book 4, addressing language in autism, specifically, was nearing completion and would be posted soon.